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Windows server 2012 r2 standard max cpu free download.Windows Server 2012 Standard R2 – Download

I have found no documentation on the technical number of supported processor sockets supported by Windows Server for the Standard and Datacenter editions. Some donation websites like Techsoup claim that Datacenter supports 64 physical processors and Standard 8, but I can find no authoritative confirmation of this and those look like extrapolation from Windows Server R2. So what are the maximum supported of processor sockets, assuming you have licenses for all of them, for Datacenter and Standard?
Do they differ by edition? This helps the community, keeps the forums tidy, and recognises useful contributions. I know there is one change that is not reflected there. Recently the maximum number of virtual machines supported in a cluster was raised to 8, instead of the 4, reflected in this document. The maximum number of sockets for Standard would be two because that is the maximum number that the license supports.
Standard has never supported 8. Prior to , it supported 4, and then the licensing changed with so that Standard would be sold per processor socket with a maximum of two. Technically, the binaries are the same for Standard and Datacenter, so you can most likely get it to run with more somehow, but it is not a supported configuration.
The maximum number of sockets for Datacenter would be 64 – that has not changed from I make this statement based on the fact that Datacenter supports a maximum of 64 virtual CPUs when run as a virtual machine. Virtual machines don’t have the distinction of socket versus hyper-thread versus core. They see what is presented to them as a processor. But, I doubt very much that you will find any off-the-shelf 64 socket systems; most vendors are relying on the core densities instead of socket density in order to deliver the horsepower.
The above referenced document still shows as the maximum number of logical processors, with or without Hyper-V. I don’t really know of the statement about virtual machines seeing no difference between logical processors and physical processors, because Hyper-V supports matching the host NUMA regardless of VM virtual processor count. Each Standard license allows you 2 sockets and 2 VMs. But by buying multiple licenses for a single host, you can increase this.
So, e. You may want to do this if you are running e. No need for Datacenter for large hosts unless you also want a large of VMs. Well, SeaMicro’s servers easily beat 8 sockets, and are probably the only readily-available servers that can do The question still remains: what are the edition-specific supported sockets? Is Standard really limited, technically, to 8? SeaMicro is interesting – thanks for the info.
But it doesn’t look like it runs Windows at least, not yet. Linux only for now. So is there is a vendor that actually sells a server with more than 8 sockets that will run and support Windows Server? Are you sure that is a single socket server? It looks to me like 32 separate 2-socket servers in a 10U chassis. This looks interesting for scale-out if you are setting up a cluster of servers for high-performance computing. But for scale up e. Unless this is that, I still haven’t found one with more than 8 sockets.
This seems to be one server Yes, these are fully 64 sockets. Agreed this is not your original question. But I was curious as to why you were asking the question about the limits, given there is no hardware today at least, that I know of that scales up beyond 8 sockets.
I talked with a SeaMicro sales engineer as I was interested if it was truly a single socket server. Unfortunately at least for me , it is not. Instead, it is 64 single-socket servers in a single chassis. So it does run Windows, but as 64 separate instances. A way to think about it is that it’s a very compact blade system with a bunch of integrated networking and storage. It’s designed for Hadoop and other scale-out applications. But not for scale-up.
True, but my understanding is that there is nothing in the operating system that prevents more processors, but that the supported and TESTED limit is At the time the statement was made, the largest system Microsoft could test on was Microsoft has been constantly increasing the number of supported processors as hardware has become available.
I’m pretty confident that we will see the number increasing in a future release as the larger machines become available. In Windows Server , the limit was 64 logical processors, and apparently that was a hard limitation before the introduction of processor groups. One thus wonders how many processor groups of 64 logical processors each a particular instance of Windows can have. Office Office Exchange Server. Not an IT pro?
Windows Client. Sign in. United States English. Ask a question. Quick access. Search related threads. Remove From My Forums. Answered by:. Archived Forums. Windows Server General. Sign in to vote. Sunday, September 30, PM.
Sunday, October 14, AM. Monday, October 1, PM. Your link appears to be broken for me, so I can’t see it Tuesday, October 2, AM. This is not true with Server However if anyone knows of 16 or more socket x64 server, I’m interested! Tuesday, October 2, PM. Saturday, October 13, AM. Saturday, October 13, PM. In which case, running Windows on each 2-socket server shouldn’t be a problem.
Regardless, though, that’s not my original question. Tuesday, October 16, PM. I know this is about one and a third years after I first asked this, but I just discovered that Bull Bullion servers can do up to 16, which would’ve made the more-than-eight question pertinent again.
Just for the record. Friday, February 21, AM. Friday, February 21, PM. That’s not necessarily true. Sunday, February 23, AM.
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